H͢O͢W͢ T͢O͢ P͢L͢A͢Y

 [1 to 9] - Select Item         

 [Click] - Place or Mine

 [WASD] - Move / Jump    

 [E] - Open/Close Inventory

 [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door, Trading with Villager

 [Space] - Drop a single tile from a stack while dragging.

 [F] - Eat food                           

[N] - Label a sign or chest

[Q] - Drop item                       

[P] - Pause / Unpause

 [T] - Talk / Command          

[O] - Save your game

 [R] Sprint (R + In water to swim)

 [L] Turn Key Lag Delay on and off

[M] Turn the Sound on and off             

[V] Achievements list

[E] + Hover over Villager/Wandering Trader to trade 

 U] To Enter Cape Codes

[Down arrow key or S]  Sneak/Crouch

Z + Shield in Offhand slot to use

How To Use Elytra: 

Tap [SPACE] while in the air to glide in the direction your mouse is pointing

How To Use Ender Eye:

You can use an ender eye by clicking on the screen while holding it, if the ender eye flies up into the air, it means there's a stronghold in that game chunk. But if it doesn't fly up, then there's no stronghold in the chunk.

How To Make A Nether Portal 

Click here!

How To Make An End Portal

Click here!

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